Fabric button rosette DIY brooch

If you’re looking for a brooch to brighten up your coat or jacket, this one’s the answer. It costs pennies, takes just 5 minutes to make and looks neat and pretty too! This would make a lovely gift, or would work as an ideal item to sell on a charity or fundraising stall.

You will need:

– a strip of fabric
– a large button
– safety pin and thread
– fabric scissors

How to make a fabric button DIY brooch:

1. Cut fabric into a strip, the one shown in the photo is 35cm long x 8cm wide. Fold it in half length-ways, wrong sides together. Do a running stitch along the raw edge with stitches about 1cm apart. A red thread has been used in the tutorial so that it stands out in the photo.

2. Pull the thread at either end so that the fabric crumples up.

3. Tie the two threads together, place a button in the middle, flip it over and sew it in place.

4. Sew a safety pin on that side if you’d like to make it into a brooch, and there you are!

A brooch in 5 minutes! If you’d fancy a button like the one used in the photos, check out the Liberty buttons kit on Picker’s Kits.