Decorate your own bunting kit

There’s nothing more pleasant than getting a few friends together be it for a birthday, a hen party, or just a general gathering. It’s even more pleasant to sit around a table with cake, a pot of tea and potter creatively.

In this world of electronic devices, we’re quick to find distraction in the latest app, browning the web or social media on a smart phone. It’s less often that you give craft a chance; occupying your time by using your hands to make stuff.

In this ‘decorate your own’ bunting kit, you get about 20 white, 100% cotton flags. You can decorate them with ribbons, buttons and vintage-style fabrics. If you’re nifty with a needle, you can tack the embellishments straight onto the flag. For those not so keen on sewing you have the option of using Bondaweb, magic iron-on webbing that sticks one surface to another.

I’ve already put my bunting up in the living room and a friend has already requested that we use the kit as an activity at her hen party!

There are a few suggestions as to how to decorate the bunting flags but this is by no means exhaustive. This is your chance to be creative and come up with some fabulous designs to make some unique, personalised bunting. It’s the ideal decoration for a wedding, christening, birthday or baby shower! Let’s all channel our creativeness together!

Decorate your own bunting kit on Picker’s Kits

Button bouquet DIY kit

Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue… something handmade? Over the past few years, it’s become increasingly popular to have a ‘different ‘ bouquet. Flowers are beautiful but they don’t last – a button bouquet is something you can keep. You’ve heard of dresses and veils being handed down as a family heirloom, so why not a bouquet? New to Picker’s Kits is this button bouquet DIY kit for quirky brides everywhere. You can buy a ready-made button bouquet for in excess of £200 but if you’re willing to put aside some time, you can make your own for just a fraction of the price. 

This DIY button bouquet kit provides the buttons, ready-cut wire and ribbons you need to make this beautiful bridal accessory. There are even several colour options to choose from so you can be sure that your bouquet will match the theme. 

Making this bouquet is easy, no craft experience required, you can even sit and make it whilst watching the latest box set. It’s a very rewarding task; seeing the bouquet grow and of course getting such a delightful product at the end.

If making the bouquet by yourself is a bit too lonesome for you, this is the ultimate hen party activity, get it done in a fifth of the time and you can walk down the aisle knowing that your lovely friends each contributed to the beautiful bouquet you’re holding!

Button bouquet DIY kit on Picker’s Kits

Easy DIY craft makes

I’ve been gleaning the best of the web for a few ‘easy makes’… things that you can make on a rainy Autumn Sunday when you have a couple of hours to spare. They’re not particularly expensive either, you can use fabric scraps and things lying around the kitchen 🙂

You can even find a Pinteret board for it, check it out here. Please do follow the Picker’s Kits Pinterest account and I’ll be sure to follow your account back!

Here goes…

1. Fabric key ring

These key rings can be made from left-over scraps of fabric and make great gift!

Key fobs

Key ring instructions from

2. Fabric charm bracelet

This is another item that can be made from left-over fabric. This tutorial comes from @quintonwench and her awesome blog. Well worth a look for crafty ideas!


Charm bracelet instructions from

3. Homemade heat packs

These heat packs are the ideal Winter treat… stick one in the microwave, curl up on the sofa and relax feeling warm and toasty!


Heat pack instructions from

4. Cover your own washi tape

Washi tape is a popular thing at the moment but it’s known to be expensive, here’s a wonderful tutorial about how to make your own washi tape at a fraction of the cost.


Washi tape instructions from

5. Salt and cinnamon dough ornaments

With salt dough you can make Christmas decorations, wedding favours, gift tags, key rings, not to mention a whole host of other things. This fabulous blog post gives you all of the ingredients you need to make them, plus, if you’d like an edible decoration, you can make some cinnamon ornaments… yummy!

Salt and cinnamon dought ornaments2

Salt and cinnamon dough instructions from