Felt ball Xmas decoration DIY kit


How does Christmas come around so quickly every year? Yet again I’m feeling unprepared… must start thinking about which presents to buy for everyone soon!

When it comes to Christmas decorations, I like to make them myself. I admit, I have bought a few in the past but I do get lots of joy out of making them. Last year, I invited my friend Katie round and we sat and crocheted some baubles whilst drinking warm spiced apple juice (it was a work night!)

I think I caught the Christmas craft bug last year as I remember crocheting a family of snowman baubles, I’ve even dug out the photo!

2014-12-20 22.00.06

What I want to talk about is a new DIY kit recently added to www.pickerskits.co.uk – the felt ball Christmas tree decoration kit. It consists of eight felt balls, each one a different colour. I really love the style of this decoration, the wool of the felt balls gives you that cosy Winter feel and the bright colours will look fabulous against the green of the Christmas tree.

If you’d like to make your felt ball Christmas decoration, you can find it here on the Picker’s Kits website.

Start the week as you mean to go on

Start the week

What a treat, I have a whole week off this week before I start my new job. There will be no sitting on the sofa in a onesie watching films and scoffing biscuits for me. I’ve got my ‘action plan’ for Picker’s Kits – doing things I’ve been meaning to do but just haven’t had time for.

This includes taking a proper look at Pinterest (have you seen the Picker’s Kits boards?), devoting dome time to Twitter, writing a schedule for blog articles and doing a little product development for Christmas kits. I’ve got 6Music on in the background and can’t remember how many cups of tea I’ve had already.

The intention was to begin the day all virtuous with a run around the block but I woke up to see rain and generally rotten weather so that scuppered my plans…maybe tomorrow!