Fabulous new crochet pattern shop on Etsy

Crochet is my meditation – I just love the way that something grows before your eyes, and my favourite part is giving away my creation to a friend or loved-one when it’s finished.

I tried knitting once but decided that it wasn’t for me – crochet is hands-down my craft of prefence. I’ve made countless blankets and amigurumi but I’ve recently discovered intarsia crochet (aka tapestry crochet) which enables you to crochet motifs and make wall hangings, bunting and coasters, making use of colour combinationso to form a picture – something you just can’t do within the limits of standard crochet.

The technique takes a little getting used to but once you’ve got used to it, you’ll be proud of all the amazing creative possibilities that it opens up!

I’d like to introduce you to my friend’s new crochet pattern shop on Etsy, at the moment, she has a small, yet perfectly-formed collection of easy patterns.

Yarn and Shine is the name of the shop, so please check it out!

There’s a selection of baby blankets, coasters, bunting and wallhangings. She assures me thatshe has lots of new ideas so keep an eye out for the new designs.

Plus, she’s told me to give a plug to her Pinterest page, please follow it if you get a chance πŸ™‚

All patterns come with US and UK instructions and there are even instructions for left and right handers if you need them.

Just a little plug, thank you for reading πŸ™‚

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